Tuesday 9 August 2016


When a ‘Rajini film’ is releasing in this situation, the expectation of the fans will be higher. And when the film is hyped to the maximum through media and advertisements, the expectation will be reached its peak. That was seen in the last week when ‘Kabali’ released.
Even it is a Rajini film, the quality and the content of the film is totally belongs to the writer cum director Pa.Ranjith. It is his responsibility to understand the expectation of the public and to make the film to fulfill that.
Of course, Rajini himself selected the director and okayed the subject. It may become real hit or flop. That is not an issue here. That is up to the audience. If they like, they will make it super hit, otherwise automatically the film will be flopped.
After a few flops, Rajini took a wise decision, to go with a younger director for his next film. And it worked up to a limit, even though it didn’t reach the expectation.
Writer cum director of this film, Pa.Ranjith did some good things in this project. He made a Rajini film without the popular names usually related to usual Rajini films. That gave the film a new colour in total. Ranjith used many artistes, who were in his earlier films. It is also not found bad.
Any viewer will praise the acting of Thanshika, Radhika Apte, Dinesh, John Vijay etc. And Ranjith used the technicians also for his convenience. That also helped him to do something better.
Ranjith show the old Rajini to the new audience. And extract his acting skill in a different manner on the screen. Everyone will feel happy to see the old Rajini. But is it enough?
What the audience expecting from a Rajini film. Why the fans purchasing a ticket of the premier show for around thousand rupees when the real price is below hundred.  The director should not tell that is not his fault. Didn’t he have some responsibility? (The unique phenomena of MGR and Rajini differing from all other superstars should be considered.)
Ranjith missed the Rajini factor totally in this film. He couldn’t utilize the talent of Rajini to excel in mass appealing scenes.
Ranjith may tell that is not his style. Then he should use writers to make appropriate script for Rajini, based on this subject itself. If he want to show Rajini in different or modern style, he must work hard for that.

As his earlier films became success, and get some good reviews, he got this chance to direct a Rajini film. Rajini came down and ready to do whatever the director told. That is the good character of Rajini. By getting this chance, what the director did? Did he make any attempt to improve himself to make a bigger film?
He made this film as he forget that he is an experienced director. He started to script this film as a new comer got chance without experience. It seems that he hurried to complete the script and started shooting.
Many persons said that, the back ground of the story is not attached to the Tamilnadu audience. This argument is not acceptable. The Rajini films are usually become hit in Kerala, Karnataka, Andhra etc. Are the fans there were involved in the subjects in the earlier films?
The director didn’t tell the subject of Malasian Tamils effectively. That is the truth. What the base of script? Did he follow the core point in the scenes? These are the questions to be reviewed by the director.
Unfortunately of fortunately all are behind the political discussion raised on the few dialogues from this film. So nobody is discussing about the flaws in the script and film making.
The director selected a gangster subject. That cannot be questioned. Most of the characters in the film are killers. And many scenes are shown as example of violence. Even in the introduction song, cutting a cake by Rajini is shown as a symbol of violence. A hand was shown as had been cut from the body.
The hero of the film Rajini himself killed more than ten people brutally on the screen. His daughter, killed more persons. In the climax the palm of the villain is shown splashing by the bullet. Why this kolaveri? (Still the producer get ‘U’ certificate for this film! That is the power of the president of Producers council. Becoming the president of producers council is the best way to get call sheet of stars like Rajini and getting U certificate for violent films like Kabali!)
The film starts with descriptions about the villains and hero. It is really a very bad opening for a film like this.
But the dialogue about the birds like ‘your sympathy is the most cruel thing for them’ is making the viewers to sit to feel a different film experience.
‘Kabalidaa’ dialogue follows it as an usual Rajini punch. That make the film to gear up the speed. Then only the film deviated to a route without destination.
In every scene the frames are filled with junior artistes. That crowd itself made the film irritating by disturbing the main characters visually. (As had much money to spend, should not spend unnecessarily.)
When Rajini was coming to home, Radhika Apte was inviting him to the various rooms up to Rajini realize that all are imagination. It’s a beautiful scene, which cannot be seen in usual Rajini films. There are some more scenes throughout the film. Thanks to Ranjith for that!
The director tells that the gangsters are the savior of the public in Malaysia. It is not shown believable through the scenes. All the gangster scenes, including the verbal action of Nazar character also had gone without any impact in the audience.
In the meantime, the director mentioned some political statements like the pricing of cola etc.
The base of the subject is the uplifting the life of Tamil people in Malaysia by Kabali. But the director had concentrated on the searching of wife by Kabali for most of the time. He may think that is the novelty. If like that, he must start the film as personal subject of Kabali and the gangster activities must be come just as a background.
The living condition and family background of the youths in the reformation school of Kabali should be shown. The director totally avoided it. Really that is very much needed for the authenticity and strength for the subject.
(The director uses the matter of wearing coat as a main point in this film. As it became subject for many arguments in the public, notes about it is avoided here.)
Even it is a gangster film, the police came in action only when the director wants it. Actually, in the subjects like this, it must be according to the scenes.
The scene about a character Velu, he brought up the daughter of Kabali, shown as physically handicapped in the old age is hundredth of this type. Many scenes came like this in the film.
The director gave importance to Tanishka when saving Rajini! It should be very well appreciated! But she threw the gun to Rajini and then only a shot came as Rajini is in danger. If she threw the gun at that time, it might give more impact.
The director did mistakes like this in many places. Another example is in the sequence in which Rajini attacked by the rowdies in Tamilnadu. Kishore calls and order his henchmen to kill Rajini, and then only the scene will come. If the shot of Kishore was avoided, the attack might give more impact. (These are happened because of the overconfidence of the director or lack of an experienced script doctor.)

Even the searching of wife by Rajini is deviated from the main plot, (especially the scenes in Tamilnadu), all the scenes in this sequence show the acting skill of Rajini in many scenes. It remind the talented and versatile ‘Arilirunthu Aruapthu varai’ Rajini, whom we missed for many years. Hats off to Ranjith for this!
After the Taminadu episode, the film totally falls into the cliché of every usual film of eighties. Ranjith is seen nowhere in the scenes. Only thing in this portion, which came with Ranjith touch is the dialogue of Rajini about wearing coat and sitting with crossed legs.
That also made no impact in the theatre, as much as in the social media. Thanks to facebook and twitter!
Only thing the director done in this film is, he used his political views to the dialogues here and there. Of course, Rajini himself accepted that, and delivered in his style. Those dialogues became a topic for a discussion everywhere in the society.
Even a few dialogues from a Rajini film can evoke such social discussions, what will be the effect, if the film was well made with a strong social message and flawless script.
Usually the directors of Rajini films and Rajini himself will not show interest in these type of subjects.
Ranjith got a golden chance to do such a film. But he missed the chance as he didn’t know how to use it or didn’t try to hard work, to use the chance properly.
In total, Pa.Ranjith made a good curd rice (Kabali) with the costliest Basumathi rice (Rajini)!

Better luck next time Pa.Ranjith.            

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